Getting kids started on their sewing adventure is as 1,2,3.
1. Select fabrics that are very easy to sew, will not ravel, and look the same on both sides. I suggest fleece or felt.
2. Give them a framework like
people, bean bags,
felt food, but let them design their own project. I love
etsy.com to get their minds rolling. I have found that sometimes they insist on the most difficult, that is OK just remind them that is their "inspiration" and not their pattern. I try to make a sample while they are sewing , without being a demonstrator. It helps them see the basic idea in practice,.
3. Get out the sewing machine (or needle and thead) and sew with them. Make sure the project is quick and easy. Who wants to cut out 20 pieces, arrange, and pin before the project starts to takes shape? With felt the seams can be on the inside or outside so let thier imagination run free. As they start to enjoy the freedom a sewing machine has to offer they will begin to figure out/learn the rules about pinning, patterns, and where the right sides of the fabric go. I start by letting them push the petal as I work the fabric, before long they are running the machine better than I am. :)
When the sewing machine become a tool for them to create, their imagination and interest begin to soar. Avoid the trap of "this is how you sew a straight line" and let them experience the joy of homemade.
Happy Sewing!