Q: What is the right age to begin allowing kids to sew?

A: There are many sewing activities that kiddos can enjoy as early as two years old. I began allowing my kiddos to machine sew(with supervision) at age 6. Here is what the progression looks like at our house:
Age 2-3: Card Sewing - Cut out a cardboard shape, using a hole puncher go around the edge and punch holes approximately 1/2 inch apart. Tie length of string to around one hole and the edge to secure it to the cardboard. To help little fingers be successful I wrap the sewing end with clear tape. I love using food boxes from the recycle bin. To lengthen the activity let them color the card before you add the holes. Don't worry about the way they sew (across the card, skip holes, etc), just enjoy!
Age 2+: Fabric Markers & Sewing - If your kiddo can draw they can participate in this fun project. Iron butcher paper (shiny side down) to the back of any natural fabric. I used cotton for this project. After protecting the table with a tablecloth, let the artistic kiddo draw. Follow the directions on the marker box to heat set the design (if needed). Using their design the list of projects are endless! My oldest used two of his designs to make a pillow. A few years ago I used the same technique to make the cover for a "Grandparent's Journal". We placed a blank journal along with a list of questions that we knew the kids would enjoy reading someday. We gave it as a Christmas present, but we got the real gift when it came back with so many amazing family stories.

Age 3+: Hoop sewing - Place the fabric in the embroidery hoop and secure it in place. For the littlest kiddos I use burlap with a yarn (dull) needle. Using embroidery tread, tie the string to the needle (prevents retreading over and over again), and tie it to the material. Just let them have fun! As their skill increases, change the material and needle type needle as appropriate. Learning the embroidery stitches may begin as early as 6. Just make sure the introduction of stitches doesn't limit creativity. This is a design on felt that my eight year old kiddo created using hoop sewing. You can see he added a bead (the eye) to embellish the design. He later added velvet to the back to make it into a pillow to give to his cousin.
Happy Sewing!