Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to: homemade bag tag ... you can do this!

When it's time to send them into the classroom with their big girl/boy backpack it's fun to add a little touch of love on the front.We have joined a co-op that meets one day a week, so I tagged each of my kindergartners with a little extra label of love. This project can't be easier! 
1. Find a design you like or hand write your kiddo's name (better yet, let your kiddo write their own name) on a piece of card stock. The size doesn't matter, but I like the look of 4inch by 2inch tags. For the diaper bag tag I used the same design for both sides, but the kinder tags I used scrapbook paper on the back.
2. Cut both sides of your tag the same size. Set the two pieces (blank sides touching) inside a self laminating paper or pre-cut bag tag, follow the directions and peel off the excess paper while sealing the tag/page.
3. If you have used the self laminating paper cut around the label (leaving at least 1/4 inch clear laminate around paper. Use a hole-punch and cut a hole in the tag, and add string/ribbon. The tags hang a bit nicer if you fold the string in half and insert the loop side thru the punched hole and tread the other end  thru the loop. If you have used the pre-cut bag tag you can skip this step and just add the enclosed plastic strap.4. Hang in on your kiddo's bag and watch as their face lights up knowing that Momma labeled them with love. 
These make a great label for any type of present (especially christmas). What grandma could resist having a one of a kind baggage tag hand written by her grandkiddo? If you are using it as  a luggage tag, I suggest you make it a bit smaller to increase the durability and reduce the chance of it getting torn off while the luggage is being moved.
Happy Labeling..I was going to say tagging, but that has a whole new meaning. :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Displaying kiddo artwork...

Keeping special artwork in a visible place is an easy way to remind your kiddos how much you value their creativity. We had a few extra boys over to spend the night and this was one of their creations. Outside painting is a great activity when friend come over to play. We have talked about it before, but I think it is worth repeating. Paint is not something to be scared of, with the right prep it can be a fun and easy activity. And what kiddo doesn't love to paint? I love that our guest's mom hung up the special flag at home. My boys were so proud when they heard that the flag was hanging in their house. What a fantastic way to remember a great day! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to: bleach design can do it!

It doesn't get much easier than this! The kids loved creating their own special shirt. Although we followed the same steps, each shirt has it's own look.
Supply list for this simple kiddo craft: Freezer paper, Scissors or razor blade, Pencil or pen, Stick-on letters (if you want words on your shirt),  Iron, T-shirt (any color but white, but darker colors work the best), spray bottle with 80% bleach 20% water, container for rinsing shirt
1. Allow the kiddos to draw a design for the shirt on freezer paper (the non-wax side)
2. Cut out the design and iron it onto the shirt (wax side to shirt). Once the design in cool, allow them to add sticker letters if desired. 
(not sure why he chose "story lover", but glad he loved it!)
3. Lay the shirts out in an area that is safe to spray bleach. Make sure your container (or bowl) of clean water is ready so you can dip the shirt after you spray. Spray the shirt with a 80% bleach/20% water solution. I used an old no more tears bottle that had been cleaned.
4. The longer you leave the bleach on the shirt the lighter the shirt will become. The more bleach you use the greater the contrast. This one had a lot of bleach and sat for about 1 minute before rinsing. When you have the desired color change dip the shirt in the clean water and rinse throughly.
5. Peal off your design and letter and allow it to dry in the sun. This shirt we used less bleach and only let it sit for about 30 seconds. As it dries the color change will be more evident (see picture below for final product).  
6. If desired turn the shirt over and add another design or just mist with bleach solution to match the color of the front. Once you dip in the water you can allow it to dry in the sun or wash it immediately. I used a color catcher when I washed all five shirts together. After the first wash the smell of bleach was still strong, but after the second wash and dry they were ready to wear.
7. Let the kiddos enjoy their new creation.
This is great for old t-shirts that have seen better days, and I just love this twist on the same basic idea.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Getting a grip on dinner..Week 3&4

The new calendar is here! Congratulation on completing your first two week of your "getting a grip on dinner" meal plan. The hardest weeks are behind you and come FANTASTIC recipes are before you. Enjoy! This system has made such a big difference in my family I am excited to hear if you enjoy it too. Happy mealtime!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Getting a grip on dinner..Week 1&2

The first two weeks of the meal plan is here!  In the first two weeks with get you will be become acquainted with the wonderful feeling of "having a grip on dinner." I hope you enjoy the feeling as much as I do. It feels good having an arsenal of great mealtimes at your fingertips! Being prepared makes a day feel comfortable. I love being able to share a special meals with ease. If I know friends are coming to play , I just defrost one of our frozen meals. It is often easier than making sandwiches and oh so much yummier. If a friend just had a new baby, bring a few frozen meals. Homemade frozen meals are so convenient. Their family can enjoy them on their own schedule and savor the feeling having an easy meal waiting in the freezer. You may just bring a smile to another mom's face at the end of "one of those days" when she can serve a delicious homemade meal with minimal effort. The directions for cooking the meals are listed at the top of each sheet. I find helpful are planning my grocery shopping trip so that I can cook when I get home. If I go ahead and start the meat cooking when I get home, I find things go much smoother. I may have to put the meat in the refrigerator until I can prepare the recipes, but I feels good to have a key to success complete. I have not made any meal plans for the weekends. It is a great week , but doesn't ofent happen that we eat at home seven days a week. Shift the meals to fit your schedule. If you eat at home three times a week, this plan will last longer for you. Enjoy and celebrate your familie's schedule, this meal plan allows for easy customization. Each family also consumes different amounts of food, so what makes three family meals for you may only give me two. Just make sure you are freezing the right size for your family and customize where you need to. Likewise, if you miss a day here or add a lunch there the basics stay the same, enjoy and savor your homemade meals!

getting a grip on dinner...pre-made shopping list

Walking through the grocery store collecting stares the friendly "boy, you have your hands full" greeting is no place to be making decisions or organizing a list. So that should be done in the peace and quiet (chuckle) of my home. The grocery list are organized to include the following categories: produce, dairy, meat, frozen, beauty/paper, and other. If you keep a list on the fridge, divide it into the same categories. As you fill in the items, you will be making your shopping trip more pleasant with each pen stroke. The grocery store is divided into departments, make your list fit the store. It is much easier standing in the dairy department knowing you need cheddar cheese and milk than figuring out you forgot the cheese when you are at the check-out line. Or, even worse making the discovery when you are preparing a meal. Bringing a pen helps if you mark things as you buy, but scanning the entire list in each department waste precious time. The best foods are in the perimeter of the store. Wendy Boswell says is well, "That's where all the fresh foods are. The less you find yourself in the central aisles of the grocery store, the healthier your shopping trip will be. Make it a habit—work the perimeter of the store for the bulk of your groceries, then dip into the aisles for staples that you know you need." By using the divided list, it is evident when when I am taking to many dips into the aisles. The meal system shopping list for the first week looks like this: Please remember the first two weeks may be a little more expensive and time consuming than the other weeks because we are beginning to stock our dinner arsenal (freezer). Stick with the program, the reward is great! As a little bonus... this is the matching fridge list. Simply cut in half and use a magnetic clip to keep in on the fridge. Enjoy! P.S. I am excited to share this system. Please leave me a comment, let me know if you have any suggestions to make it better or what part you enjoy the most. Tell a friend, too.