Saturday, October 16, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The birthday countdown...o"fish"ally 6!
Goldfish crackers with "you are o"fish"ally 6!"
Happy 6th Birthday Jo Jo and Becca!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Birthday count down...a treat for each day #2
Wow, only two more days!!
A container of cherrio cereal. We were traveling for their birthday trip today so a little non-sugary snack was perfect. We included all the kiddos with the countdown so two (birthday twins) said "until YOU say Cherrio to 5" while the other three said "until Jo Jo and Becca say Cherrio to 5".
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Celebrating the birthday countdown... day 4 & 3 until the twins turn 6
Day 4:
Gummy snacks with a note that said:
4 more days be4 you turn 6!
1,2,3, can't wait for you to be 6!
Gummy snacks with a note that said:
4 more days be4 you turn 6!
1,2,3, can't wait for you to be 6!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Birthday count for each day
My oldest set of twins turn six this year. They have been extra excited about his birthday. They have been asking how many "night nights" until their birthday for way to many night nights so we decided to join in on their countdown. This is day 6 (six days until they turn 6).
I found a new blog that I absolutely love! I got most of the ideas from their site, but had to tweek them to fit for birthdays and simplify them a bit to get all six days done.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Displaying kiddo artwork...the entry way
First I went to the family, husband didn't care, kids said they would rather see their artwork vs. photographs. I choose my biggest frames from the photo wall ruble, let the kiddos paint a stripe, touched up the stripe myself, commissioned the best artist I know while the paint was drying, and in the morning we had an art wall to welcome our guest.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
charts for kiddos... downloadable
I have said it before and I know I will say it again: I love charts!! This chart was a special request from my 7 and 9 year old sons. They came up with the idea, asked for the chart, and explained it to their siblings. They were feeling like one of their siblings (who's behavior requires a lot of help) was being rewarded for poor behavior. After a long talk, they decided this is how they would like to be rewarded for their good behavior. Let me just say, that conversation was one of the most heartbreaking talks that I have ever had. Hearing your children say that you haven't done a good job of letting them know you are proud of their good choices it tough! So without further delay, presenting Eli & Noah's chart. It's a blank one if you want to try it on for size.
We have used charts in the past, each one a little different in purpose. This chart has a duel purpose. Instill work/spend values as well as reward kindness & attitude. The center chart is similar to the one above, each child had a row. This is their place to record their "marks". The sheet on the left has ways to earn the "marks". The list starts with kindness to siblings and includes good attitude on trips, clean room, take out garbage, walk the dog, etc. The kiddos have an option to write (one of my boys most despised activities) additional ideas when they think of them. The page on the right is the spend page. It tells how the "marks" can be used. Just like the spend page, the kiddos have the option to write additional ideas (after approval). "Marks" have turned into a type of currency.
Happy Charting!
Friday, January 29, 2010
fta: Sew simple dress...your kiddo can do this

Thursday, January 28, 2010
getting a reaction...
Add a dish (or clay), vinegar, baking soda and kiddos and what you get is a lot of fun.
This one requires adult supervision, but after watching the kiddos' faces light up with each "eruption"you won't want to be anywhere else.
We enjoyed this activity outside, but with the right large piece of tupperware you can enjoy it inside too.
May all your reactions be happy!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Homemade Valentines t-shirts for kiddos by kiddos
Let me first admit, these shirts are two stolen ideas put together. The first is from my extremely creative sister who made adorable name shirts with bias tape for the youngest twins first birthday. I just love the originality! The second is the painted doily idea from Ashley Ann Photography blog. I made a tote bag from her tutorial that has quickly become my favorite from her instructions. Thanks Paige and Ashley Anne!
With that said, I feel ready to start with some Valentine's Day shirts:
1. Apply a little spray adhesive to the back of the doily and stick it to the shirt. Let the kiddos sponge on the paint. No matter how many time I let them know the center didn't have to be covered, they insisted in painting the whole thing. :) My kiddos used a sponge brush, but any type of brush would do the job. Put a little cardboard in the shirt to ensure the paint stays only on the front side.
Since boy's don't do doilys we modified the project for the only male of our trio. Using construction paper we cut out hearts and applied spray glue to the bottom side and set him loose.
2. Peel the doily off (the shirt looked like this). As you can tell there are a few imperfections around the edge, but I think it just adds to the childish charm.Below was my first attempt at he Paige bias tape letters. This time the mistake didn't add so much charm. :) Turns out I should have gotten a tutorial from the creator before I tried to copy. :) Try number two was much better, but still look forward to having Paige show me a few tricks I think she has up her sleeve :)
1. Using tailor's chalk draw the letter or name you plan to add.
2. Fold bias tape in half (or purchase thin bias tape) and slowly stitch the tape over the chalk using a straight stitch.
I can't wait to see all the variations you come up with. Please leave me a comment with a link to any new creations your family enjoyed making. :) Happy stenciling, sewing, and Valentine's Day.
Friday, January 22, 2010
homemade thank you gifts under $5...transfer candles
These little transfer candles are so easy to make, but make a huge statement of gratitude when paired with a thank you note.
The materials you will need are as follows:
tissue paper (color to match candle)
permeant marker
wax paper
hair dryer.
Step 1: draw with permeant marker on tissue paper (ensure drawing the size your desire on the candle)
Step 2: Cut closely around the edge of the design
Step 3: layer design and wax paper over candle (candle, design, waxy side of paper, paper side)
Step 4: heat with hair dryer until wax becomes slightly soft
Step 5: remove wax paper, without burning yourself rub over the design to ensure wax has covered the design (tissue paper will seem to disappear)
Monday, January 4, 2010
homemade thank you gift for under $10
We were given a very special gift a few months ago, time alone! My sister, brother-in-law, and parents all joined forces to keep our kids while we went away for the weekend. Well for those of you who know us well will remember, that weekend away is why we have our youngest twins. :)
Since gratitude is one of my favorite emotions to express, I savor working on little thank you gifts. This one was for my sister. It's just a simple bag from your local craft store, a little love, inspiration, needle and thread.
After I delivered the bag, my sister added a big button to keep the front closed, which made it even cuter. The inspiration came from this book:
It is a fun, easy read that will have you looking for places to stitch. :) Enjoy!
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