Friday, July 10, 2009

homemade baby food...

I have a new toy. I loved making homemade baby food for my older kiddos, but it was wasn't this easy. This is a Kid Co food mill. I have to say, I love this thing.  I bought this one from baby earth. If you use the referral code  g0kKuz you save $5. This and a few storage containers will be all you need to serve the best homemade baby food. 
Just place the food in the middle and push down as you turn the handle. My seven and eight year old can even make homemade baby food with this mill. I put the extras in a container to freeze for days that we are on the go. OK, really it is for days when we are eating fast food and there isn't anything that I am willing to grind up and feed to the babies. :) The mill comes with a carrying case and spoon so it is easy to stick in the diaper bag and you can serve it right out of the top. No worry of kids cutting themselves if they get into the diaper bag, there is no sharp blade. My favorite part is that it is sooo easy to clean. Everything in life should be this fun and easy. :)
When I made homemade baby food in bulk (lots of flavors in one day) for my older ones I just put it in ice cube trays to freeze and stored them in a zip loc. I am going with single serve containers to save a step this time. There are lots of great babyfood recipe books, but I just follow the basic rule of raw fruit, cooked veggies. 
Happy Baby Food Making!!


  1. I am expecting my first little one and want to make my own food as well. One friend suggested using the magic bullet, but yours looks simple and effective.

  2. yum yum yum!!! we make homemade baby food too!
