So with five of the oldest kiddos entering a classroom one day a week (co-op). I just had to send my three five year olds in with a little buddy on their back. I would have sent all five, but 60% complete isn't bad. :)

Felt is such an easy fabric to sew on! The kiddos loved cutting and designing the oh so scary faces of their monsters and picking out just the right buttons. These are the easy steps I followed:
1. Iron wonder under on white, black, and pink felt. A 4X5 square of each should be plenty.
2. Cut one felt rectangle about three times as long and one inch wider than your desired backpack. Cut one rectangle about 5 inches wide and as long as 2 straps + 14 inches for the tie if you are making a back pack. If you are making a messenger bag just make your 5 in wide rectangle as long as the desired strap.
3. If you would like a fabric lining, cut a copy of your big rectangle out of fabric.
4. Let the kiddos design a very scary face and pick just the right buttons.
5. Iron the desired design on the front & zig zag with white thread around each piece. Hand stitch the button on in just the right place.
6. Stitch the sides of the bag (I like to use a zig zag). If you are adding a liner sew the sides of the liner too, but make sure the good sides of the fabric end up facing each other and the seems are on the outside.
7.Then fold the strap in half and sew. After turning the strap right side out, zig zag down the center.
8. Add the strap. I like the messenger bag style as well as the backpack. I have a fixed size strap on the messenger bag, but the backpacks tie in order to adjust the straps.
SOOO SO SO CUTE!! Thanks for sharing! (Im Tressa by the way- sort of a blog lurker! Couldnt resist- had to post!)