Never attempt this one on an empty stomach. (LOL)

The kid's imaginations were rolling as we made these "gingerbread" creations. This activity is great for fine motor skills, sensory, and of course the sweet tooth. After protecting the table with paper each child gets a plate and a spreader. A popcicle stick or butter knife work well to spread the icing. Give them a little icing, access to the graham crackers and let the fun begin. For a bit of extra fun I let them squirt the icing. If you don't have a
decorator tip on hand just place the icing in a zip lock and snip a small hole in one of the corners. Make sure you keep a few wipes or napkins on hand because along with this fun comes messy hands.

Shopping List:
1 can icing
1 box graham crackers
1 box graham cracker sticks
zip loc bag
popcicle stick OR butter knife
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